
Be Now . . . Do Now . . . Live Now


On any given day you and I make dozens of decisions. Small though they may seem, the accumulated consequences of those choices impact us and others in ways both good and less than desirable.

To live our best life is to open our hearts to the questions that help us discover how to Be Now, Do Now, Live Now:

  • What am I thinking in this moment?

  • What am I feeling in this moment?

  • Do I know who God has created me to be?

  • Do I know what gifts I have been given?

  • Do I have clarity of my purpose or mission?

Why do the answers matter? They shed light on why we make the choices we make and do the things we do—or don’t.

To embrace the challenge these questions present is to understand the roots of our motivations, our present path, and the direction we are headed. Do we stay the course, make a change, or pause and wait?

May what is shared here serve as a toolbox of sorts to help you in your quest to Be Now, Do Now, Live Now.

Godspeed, fellow sojourner.

My name is Micky Wolf. Glad you could drop by and visit. As a writer, retreat leader, and certified spiritual director, I’ve been privileged to hear dozens of personal stories over the years. I started Be Now, Do Now, Live Now to help with a common conundrum: “Who am I, what are my gifts, and what is my real purpose?”

Do now, do now, what you will wish to have done when your moment comes to die.
[St. Angela Merici]

What Path Are You Traveling?

The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: “If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?” But the good Samaritan reversed the question: “If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?”
[Martin Luther King]

To live our best unique life is to be sensitive to what our heart longs to speak to us. This happens when we notice our thoughts and feelings — Be Now, and choose an action based on that awareness — Do Now. The result? To Live Now, in this moment, the only one of which we are assured.

Do I know who God has created me to be?

Do I know what gifts God has given me?

Do I know which choices to make and actions to take?