Things have tended to be on the serious side around our house the past several months. As indicated in my previous post, a series of personal health issues have provided an extended opportunity for my beloved and I to adjust to a new normal.
One thing that hasn’t changed is the parade of fine-feathered-friends who flutter in and out of our little piece of the world in search of a meal.
Some of these delightful creatures are regulars. Count among that group several pairs of cardinals and the dove twosome pictured in the accompanying photo, aka, Hank and Henrietta.
Their most recent visit was different. For whatever reason, they chose to land on the feeder crossbar. Wing-tip-to-wing-tip, they cooed and groomed themselves and one another for at least twenty minutes. We wondered, what does this mean in bird-ese? We chuckled. Quietly, of course, so as not disturb their discourse.
And then it happened—with a flurry of feathers, a purple finch decided to join them. Oblivious to the doves mere tail feathers away, he took hold of the twig and bobbed his head as if to declare, “I’m here. What you gonna do about it?” We chuckled. Quietly, of course, so as not to disturb his red-crowned excellence.
It could be said we don’t need much to amuse us. At the same time, to have a sense of humor in the small things–especially when life gets tough—can mean the difference between feeling anxious and fearful or being enveloped in peace and gratitude.
If we choose to believe God is merciful and good [His promise to us], then it follows He knows exactly what we need, when we need it. Even if that means making sure a pair of doves and a purple finch drop in on our little corner of the world for a few minutes of refreshment and rest.
Do you have a sense of humor?
How do you feel about finding God in all things?
What “small things” bring a smile to your heart?
[Updated June 2019]